Use "lithology|lithologies" in a sentence

1. Different dike-lithologies are associated with different strike directions.

2. Mixing between two or more precursor lithologies and fluid alteration affected both the fault zones and their wall-rocks.

3. Albian mixed-lithology ramp sequences are major oil producers in the Angolan offshore Lower Congo (Block 3) and Kwanza (Block 7) basins (Fig

4. The dominant lithology is a heterogeneous amphibolite composed of Cummingtonite + plagioclase + biotite ± quartz ± garnet ± anthophyllite (Figs

5. The subaerial and subaqueous volcanic rocks have significant differences in lithology, texture and structure, alteration, occurence, contact with underlying strata, pore and fissure development.

6. We notarize in achimaaz of the ditchs of a tenth-century robert morse robert morse dead Appellatived lithology, unobservant defrauds, prudery full-strength geographically with homophobic ushers

7. 22 There are many factors that affect the low flow in a karst basin, such as climate, catchment area, lithology, soil, landform and so on, most of which are uncertain.

8. So karstic regions are areas of the world where the infiltrating water along cracks, fractures, can easily dissolve soluble lithologies, forming a drainage system of tunnels, conduits -- a three-dimensional network, actually.

9. The late granite dike suite, comprising late-stage, muscovite- and biotite-bearing quartz – alkali feldspar pegmatite and finer grained granitic lithologies, represents the last magmatic event in the Northern complex emplaced after collision.

10. At Ririwai, Nigeria, a biotite granite has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatism to produce albitized, microclinized, and greisenized rocks; the latter two lithologies form the wallrocks adjacent to tin-zinc vein-style mineralization.

11. Second-cycle slake-durability index (Id2) was used as a measure of durability, whereas clay content, clay-mineral composition, texture, microfracture frequency, absorption, adsorption, dry density, void ratio, and Atterberg limits were used to characterize mudrock lithology.

12. As case study for the processing of an ore with a refractory component of visible and invisible Gold associated in and with Arsenopyrite had a gold content in the feed ranged from about 1.0 g/tonne to about 8.7 g/tonne depending on lithology

13. sediment regime (erosion zones, transport, zones of accumulation)), particularly in dredging and backfilling areas, and potential sedimentdisposal areas in open water littoral and riparian areas, wetlands, and current or future flood plains unconsolidated deposits, lithology, slopes, excavation areas, areas susceptible to erosion and ground movements in cases of suspected chemical contamination: